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    Pedal Commander Step-by-Step Installation

    Pedal Commander Step-by-Step Installation

    The Pedal Commander throttle response controller is engineered with simplicity in mind. Its installation process is straightforward and DIY-friendly. Unlike many other performance products, installing the Pedal Commander does not require specialized tools, a large garage space, or in-depth, technician-level automotive knowledge, and it takes roughly 15 minutes in most cases.
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    Pedal Commander Basic Install Steps

    Pedal Commander Basic Install Steps

    Installing the Pedal Commander throttle response controller has three basic steps:

    Step 1: Power off the vehicle and keep the keyfob away.

    Step 2: Disconnect the factory harness and plug in the Pedal Commander harness.

    Step 3: Secure the cables and mount the controller unit.
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    Pedal Commander Detailed Installation Guide

    Let’s go into detail on how to install the Pedal Commander throttle response controller.

    • Turn the ignition off.
    • Leave the driver’s door open and wait 10-15 minutes. This will allow the ECU to shut down completely.
    • Keep your keyfob at least 35 feet away from the vehicle. Some vehicles have a proximity sensor that gets triggered if the keyfob is close by. Keeping it away from the vehicle prevents the ECU from waking back up.
    • If the above process fails, you can disconnect the battery to ensure the system shuts off entirely.

    • Note: Allowing the system to shut off completely is important to avoid triggering the Check Engine Light.

    • Locate the throttle pedal connector in your vehicle. Some connectors are at the top of the assembly, facing the dashboard, and some face the driver.
    • There are several types of connectors, and some of them may have locking tabs. You can use a pick tool or a small flathead screwdriver to slide out the factory connector.
    • Connect the female connector of the Pedal Commander harness to the male plug at the throttle pedal side.
    • Connect the male connector of the Pedal Commander harness to the female socket of the pedal assembly.
    • Ensure you hear the “click” sound each time for a secure connection.
    • Reinstall the locking tabs if your throttle pedal connectors have them.

    • Route the cables and secure them to prevent tangling. Securing the cables is crucial for driving safety.
    • Clean the area where you want to place the Pedal Commander control unit with the supplied alcohol wipe.
    • Mount the Pedal Commander bracket with supplied Mounting Adhesive.
    • Mount the Pedal Commander controller unit.
    • Reconnect the battery if you disconnected it in Step One.
    • Enjoy a whole new driving experience!


    You must follow these instructions properly to avoid receiving a check engine light or other issues. Also, ensure you hear a “click” sound when connecting the plugs, as this signifies a secure connection.

    Check our troubleshooting page for quick fixes and tips if you run into any issues. You can also contact us for further support.

    Pedal Commander Installation